I Lost My Pen and I’m Mad About It

Now I gotta go get a new one. I’ve been using this tablet pen for a little while now AND ALL OF A SUDDEN I left it at the airport a few days ago. I’m sad. I loved that pen. And it loved me. I’m pretty sure. What am I supposed to do now?? Draw on paper?? We have technology! That we lose and will inevitably become obsolete one day. Which is crazy to think about. Do you think one day we’ll all be moved on from iphones and things like that? What’s the next thing were all gonna have to be starting at? Pretty weird if you ask me. I’m just picturing the scene out of Wall-E where everyone floats around in those floaty chairs. I digress. I miss my pen. At least ballpoint and fountain pens haven’t changed much. Who know what would happen if we lost all of those things.

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